Tuesday 16 February 2010

Easy Weight Loss Tips!

Use these tips to help you shed that extra weight you have been carrying around.
Sleep your fat off
An adult body needs around 8 hours sleep a night to be efficient at burning body weight. A study has shown that people who get less than 8 hours sleep a night are much more likely to be overweight. Giving you time to rest means the mind can process the events for the day and physically rejuvenate, meaning you will lose weight.

Eat to lose
Many people want to consume as much as they want while fulfilling their hunger while dropping their calorie intake. It’s very simple; all you have to do is choose foods with fewer calories per gram than the standard. Try having fruit, they contain a low amount of calories per gram and are also very good for you.

Before and After Pics
This is more of a motivational thing than anything else. If you take before pics and post them somewhere and see the response and then show the after pics, people may be amazed and hey, even you should be proud with your new image. This tactic could be the motivation you need.

Walk the Walk and … Burn the fat
Knowing how much you walk is firstly a good thing. You should look at getting a Omron Walking Style II Pedometer
. These things will help you keep track of your daily activities. Try and do extra things like walk the dog or walk to your shop instead of taking the car. All these things will add up.

Set Goals
Look at what you want your ideal weight to be and don’t stop. Make sure you break it down into weekly tasks like lose 2 pounds. Make it realistic though and make the goals feel very personal, as though you’re the only one going for it. At the end of the week write a review on how you did and what you could have done better for your weight loss. You will thank me later.

Have a Treat Day
There is no point in having goals to lose weight if you don’t enjoy the process. Have a so called ‘Treat Day’ at the end of every week to show that you are being rewarded for you efforts. In this day maybe have a cake for dessert but don’t overdo it, we don’t want to diminish your efforts.

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