Wednesday 30 December 2009

A Fighting Workout

Here are 4 Workout tips used by martial arts fighters notably the UFC.
Bar Bell Push
Get a barbell that is 80% of your on rep max and lie on a bench. Lift it up as high as you can, then slowly lower it down to your chest while inhaling. Then push it up as powerfully as you can while keeping your arms straight.
Reps - 10-12
Squat Press
Stand on a bosu ball with your feet shoulder width apart. Then slowly raise your arms so they are parallel to the ground. Bend you knees and hips to lower yourself in the squat position while keeping your arms straight. Try and go as low as you can, then rinse and repeat.
Reps – 10-12
Skipping requires a lot of hand eye co-ordination and involves a lot of practice before you can move fluently between each swing of the rope. When you have had enough practice and feel competent, mix up your swings with different styles (Double Jumps, Split leg, Single – leg hops).
Time – 2 Minutes
Bosu Ball Pull
Firstly place your right hand on the bosu ball then your knee with a light bar bell in your left hand. With the light barbell in your left hand raise it in a rowing motion towards yourself, while making sure your core is tight all the way through. A bosu ball is suitable for people of all ages; they are used to train your balance and aerobic activities.
Reps -10-12

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Tuesday 29 December 2009

You CAN do it! The Power of Positive Thinking

We all get bogged down with our daily Stress and activities but thinking positively is a way to minimise these threats and keep us in good health. It’s true that scientific research has found that people who are most positive recover from surgery faster and suffer less pain when they are ill. This can be true for many situations and roles of life. Try these tips to give yourself a positive outlook on life.
1. Know you are Successful
When you have good feelings about yourself, don’t let negative thoughts come across and ruin it. Try and embrace all you can and believe that you are successful at what you do and what you plan to do. Everyone is successful at something in one way or another, just have belief in yourself.
2. Look at the Solutions, Not Problems
When you have done something wrong or badly don’t look for excuses, these will cause you to make more mistakes as you continually blame it on outlying events or circumstances. Instead look at how you can solve this and really use your imagination; you’ll be surprised at what you can think of.
3. Go ahead reward yourself
Completing even a small task will give you positive energy; every great idea starts with one small step. Experiencing results builds trust in yourself and will give you a further positive outlook on life. Every time you do a task reward yourself with a chocolate or anything that motivates you, this may well be a reason to carry on.
4. Intentionally Speak Positively
Try and remove any negative thinking you have about events in the past and present and move towards a more constructional point of view. Look at what you have learnt from the event and try and correct it. For example losing a client may seem quite bad at first but it will free up time to potentially find a bigger one and you could be more motivated.
5. Change Where you are to Change What You DO.
People get accustomed to similar places and so develop similar habits associated with that environment. Try to move to a new place even if it’s just another room, like a study room or maybe even the local coffee shop. It will spark new ideas and bring about a new creativity and outlook on your work and challenges. It will help you think more clearly and remove any negativity associated with your old working spot.

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Thursday 24 December 2009

10 Reasons Why You Should Eat a Banana

It has been known for many a time that bananas are good for your health, and are a fantastic snack. Here are some information and tips that will hopefully remind you how important eating fruit but in this case a banana is.

1. Gives you an Energy Boost
The combination of slow energy releasing carbohydrates such as glucose, fructose and sucrose, not forgetting fibre, makes the banana ideal for an immediate and slightly prolonged source of energy. Have one 30 minutes before a workout or even at breakfast to give you energy at the start of the day.

2. Put You in a Better Mood.
Bananas contain tryptophan, an amino acid (Protein) that the body uses to convert to serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone that is responsible for boosting your mood and making you feel happier. People who suffer from depression have low serotonin levels, so a simple snack like this can help.

3. Reducing High Blood Pressure
Bananas are brilliant for people with high blood pressure since they contain a lot of potassium and hardly any salt, therefore having a perfect ratio to combat high blood pressure. Since this has been heavily proven, the US food and drug administration has allowed the banana industry to make official claims about the fruits abilities to lower high blood pressure.

4. Giving You Stress Relief
Potassium in the banana is used to normalise the heartbeat and naturally regulate the body’s water balance. When you are stressed mentally or physically, the body uses the stores of potassium and depletes it from the body. This is bad for you since it’s the third most abundant mineral in the body. Bananas are an easy way to replenish these supplies rather than medication.

5. Helps you quit Smoking
If you are looking for a fruit that helps you quit smoking, consider the banana. They contain the vitamins B6 and B12 which also contains magnesium: These substances help the body recover from nicotine withdrawal, a good alternative to nicotine patches.

6. Keeping Healthy Bones
Bananas are a remarkably rich source of fructooligosaccharide, a compound that nourishes friendly bacteria in the colon. Thanks to this helpful bacteria is produces enzymes that increase our digestive systems ability to protect us from unhealthy infections and bacteria. When the compound is absorbed it increases the number of these enzymes and their functionality, which helps the body absorb calcium,

7. Protecting Your Eyesight
According to the research published in the Archives of Ophthalmology intake of three pieces of fruit daily can reduce the risk of ARMD (Age related macular degeneration) the primary cause of vision loss in older adults by upto 36%. That’s compared to people who eat 1.5 portions daily.

8. Restoring Nutrients from Diarrhea
Thanks to bananas containing a lot of fibre, it helps the body restore normal bowel activity and function. During Diarrhea the body is deprived of important electrolytes and fluids (One of the majors being Potassium). Many deaths are caused a year due to Diarrhea an estimated 1.1 Million from the ages 5 and up.

9. Helps you Avoid Gaining Weight
Researches have found that the most obese people are the ones that work in high pressure jobs and use food as a comforter. To avoid this stress be sure to eat snacks like bananas high in carbohydrates and potassium, it will also stop your craving temporarily.

10. Morning After Cure
A fast way to do it would be to make a banana milkshake with traces of honey. Bananas simulate the cells on the internal stomach lining to produce a thicker mucus which protects the body from acids. With honey or a sugar of your choice it will keep blood sugar levels up and stop you from feeling sick. More on foods that stop high blood pressure highs and lows Here.

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Tuesday 22 December 2009

Get What You Want Successfully, in a Dispute

1. Actively Listen

Being able to listen fully to what they are saying is the very first procedure you should take. It will show you care and are willing to negotiate and understand why they are reacting this way. Firstly you must seek to understand before being understood” as this is vital to the relation to the person and also to your argument. Since many people use emotion rather than logic in arguments, it’s best not to ask questions just to try and settle the emotions and bring them to your point of view.

2. Value their opinion

Wherever possible try and listen and talk with empathy especially in a personal dispute. One technique to use is to reiterate what they say and communicate that you understand what they are saying “but my point is…” this will leave them more open to think about your point since you are with theirs.

3. Try and Relate

There will always be something you can agree on no matter what. Finding common ground is a good way to sway the other person to your side, as they realise you aren’t droning on about what you want. For example I and a friend had an argument over the irony that rage against the machine got number one and beat a major corporation when they used Facebook (The biggest social site) and didn’t understand the hype. I agreed with him and said I could see the irony and that me myself is not a rage fan but there should be hype because people made a stand and stopped x factor getting number one, for the 5th year in a row.

4. Think Win/Win not Win/Lose

When you gruellingly get your point across even if you were right, you have upset the other person. This situation may be perceived as a win/lose situation but really it’s a lose/lose one, which will cause stress and negative emotions. The facts being you have destroyed your trust bank and respect from that person in a matter of minutes. A good negotiation is where both parties walk away happily and have each others interests in tact but most importantly the relationship.

5. Final Thing to Avoid…

After the dispute don’t gloat or do anything that makes it seem as you ‘Won’. It will make your task 10x harder the next time one opinion is raised against another. The only real win in a dispute as I mentioned earlier is one where both people come to an agreement and are happy, this is win/win.

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Saturday 5 December 2009

Tips on How to End a Relationship.

You have tried so hard to keep it going but as heart-breaking it is, you know it won’t work. Now there is no time to waste and you need to get to the point. This may be especially hard for some people to do, when you have loved them and had big dreams with them. Just try and take some courage to follow these steps.

Be 100% Certain and Don’t go Back.

When ending a serious relationship it should only even be considered when you are 100% confident it’s what you want. One of the biggest and hardest mistakes to overcome is leaving someone then giving out the wrong messages. Getting back together almost never works as there was a good reason for it, and you may have forgotten its influence on your decision. It will lead to an on and off relationship which is unfair and cruel on the both of you.

Where Should it be Done?

The best possible places to end a relationship are where you can leave. An ideal place would be her place or a quiet spot at the park. This is especially important if tears and anger are going to be involved. This is so all of your attention is focused on her and there are no distractions, including the radio, tv and any sounds etc or even women.

What you should say?

When you are in a quiet place at hers or the park etc, don’t start with small talk to postpone what is eventually going to happen. Stay calm and get straight to the point, while being clear and concise. You should then expect her to be shocked, surprised, emotional and maybe even aggressive. Don’t expect logical answers especially when this is an emotional conversation and should be taken very softly.

What you must avoid?

The number one thing you must beware of, is listing bad things about her and why she ruined the relationship. Even if its true forget it, it will turn into a nasty argument where both of you will be biting at each others necks. Another one is to not mention anyone else and tell the truth no matter what. Don’t take some rubbish out of movies and start saying “Its not you it’s me” that wont work. A much more effective method at soothing the tense atmosphere is to blame it on outside factors and never use self blame or personal reasons. Try to avoid contact with her at all costs this will spark a lot of confusion and unnecessary rethinking.

As a final note you should try and visualise the best you can how you want the meeting to go. You should want it to be fast, clear and for her to understand the situation calmly. Best of Luck.

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Saturday 28 November 2009

Stop Blood Pressure Highs and Lows

Blood pressure depends on two main factors.

One – How forcefully the blood is pumped around your body and heart.

Two – How narrowed or relaxed your arteries are.

The worst case scenario is that you have narrow arteries with a strong blood flow and it can lead to hypertension. So try these Blood pressure friendly foods to help relax yourself.

Have a Banana or two

Potassium is vital to retaining low blood pressure and bananas are rich with it. When potassium is low, the body counters this by holding onto sodium because they are very familiar chemically and this will lead to high blood pressure. When potassium levels are high it removes sodium, therefore reducing blood pressure. Banana on toast will do the trick.

Pop Eyes Spinach

This annual plant that is grown in Asia is absolutely loaded in magnesium and folate that are very helpful in lowering blood pressure.

Slim Skimmed Milk

Skimmed milk is high in vitamin D and calcium, which can help blood pressure levels by around 4-11 %. Just simply have some chocolate with a nice cup of hot milk.


Omega 3 has been shown to stop and even reverse angina (Chest pain and tightness, caused when arteries that supply the heart are restricted). Sardines and fresh tomatoes are the perfect match, add a little ground pepper.

Stalky Celery

Celery is one of the most important ones in this list as actually relaxes the muscles and works as a diuretic hence lowering blood pressure and enhancing blood flow. It’s also meant to be an aphrodisiac but I will write an article on that to come. Try celery with some cheese if you can’t stand the taste by its self.

Lowering High Blood Pressure Tips and Secrets Here.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Sucessfully Flirt Over Facebook.

Notice her type of…Profile Picture

When you look at a girls profile picture you probably don’t think deeply about why she has chosen that specific one. The fact is that it actually tells you what she is looking for in a male. If she has a picture showing her with friends in bars, clubs going out etc it demonstrates she wants to prove she has an interesting and healthy social life. The wisest form of conversation then would be to ask her about hobbies, her friends and what she has planned on the weekend.

On the other hand if she has a really lustrous, clearly posed shot then watch what you wear as you can tell she takes a lot of time to look good and will expect you to as well. If her profile picture is meant to be funny with her pulling a funny face or doing something stupid then she will look for someone with a good personality and a sense of humour.

Read her…Status Updates

A status that updates where she has been, when and with whom in ever minor detail then choose where to meet very carefully. Picking a peculiar location for your date will give her the excitement she desires even if it’s so she can tell everyone about it later.

Spy on…Personal Information

Always check how much information she is willing to give out about herself. If she has hardly any at all she wants to keep things to herself and will be guarded. So don’t ask personal questions as it will only make her withdraw further and will create an uncomfortable atmosphere. With these girls they may ask questions to relieve their own anxiety, but don’t fall into the trap of not asking your own, this will make her assume you are uninterested.

Avoid…Text Language

When you use abbreviations and poor grammar in your conversation you are basically saying you are too busy or too lazy to type properly. Using proper grammar is vital as it gives you the conscious impression you are being courteous and polite. Even if she doesn’t still make sure you do, it will show you care.

Friends in… Photos

A photo album that shows her with attractive friends shows she is confident and secure about her looks and will know that. Beware though, if she has un-tagged herself in bad photos or ones with better looking females it may mean she has a less secure body image. This will indicate she won’t appreciate you looking at pretty women in bars or even having a conversation as it will make her feel threatened.

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Sunday 8 November 2009

Stress Proof Your Body

Stress as how we experience it, is not nice and is a known trigger for depression and it can also affect your physical health. So it’s very important to find out the cause and to minimise the effect they have.

Have That Little Extra

Studies have found that restricting your calorie intake can significantly increase cortisol levels. So don’t worry about that extra helping if you feel you haven’t had enough.

C You Later

Unfortunately stress tells your body to lose vitamin C from waste products. Research has been put in and it has found that taking a gram a day extra helped testosterone to cortisol ratio by 20% helping muscle building and recovery. Some brilliant sources of Vitamin C are oranges, kiwis, peppers, Brussels sprouts and sweet potatoes.

Having a To Do List For The Week

Stress causes loss of concentration and lack of concentration will unfortunately lead to people forgetting things even important ones at that. It has been a very profound and successful business and management aide as jobs in management are usually very stressful. Just sit down for 5 minutes and think about what the most important activities are that need to be done for the week. Then close your eyes almost meditating and visualise yourself doing those important activities, this will give you confidence and belief as you have already seen yourself do it. Planning your week is much better on your stress levels as it will lead to less disappointment and you can have enough time to change accordingly plus you will subconsciously allocate the time to each day.

Sleep The Stress Away

Early sleep at consistent times is one of the most vital keys to recovering from stress. Make sure you sleep in a blacked out room to stop you waking up early in a mood. Exercising in the morning will also help a lot in removing stress; it will give a sense of inner peace and calamity and raise your energy levels for the rest of the day. Some foods to consider eating more often are trout, yoghurt, salmon, eggs and chicken as these are all rich in Vitamin B12 which helps re-set the sleep-regulating circadian rhythm.

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Wednesday 4 November 2009

Get to Know Your Body Language

As we all should know body language plays a big part in attracting potential mates and it has been with us even from the primitive days. So how can you stand above the crowd and get the females to notice you.

1. Stand Confidently
Make sure your feet are wider apart than normal when you walk as it will improve your balance and will stop you moving around as much. This is because you don’t have to shift weight from foot to foot. Doing this will make you look more confident and assured instead of nervous and unsure of yourself. Making sure you seem confident and have a straight posture is good especially when around women. It will make them feel confident around you as subconsciously you are saying you can look after them and you have no problems.
2. 60% Eye Contact
Research has shown that looking into a woman’s eyes 60% of the time can improve her attraction to you. Apparently it produces a hormone called phenylethylamine, which is the pleasure chemical primarily responsible for love and attraction. A good way to tell if you are making enough eye contact is to try and remember what her eye colour is after the encounter. When eye contact is given over a period of time it will make her feel more comfortable around you and more familiar as it is also a signal for trust. Making this connection is vital but don’t overdo it or she will feel uneasy because it will look as though you are trying to intimidate her.
Tilt your head to the right when she’s talking. German scientists discovered that it will make you look more caring and genuinely interested in what she is saying, which she will find very attractive.
3. Watch your Facial Expressions
Being aware of facial gestures in a flirtatious conversation with the opposite sex is important as gestures and facial expressions show invitation and interest. A common flirtatious facial expression is the eyebrow raise. This expression is obvious for attraction as it draws attention to the male just like a peacock will flaunt its feathers by looking bigger. The shocked face look is not what we are after just a small raise to show interest.
Lip licking will clearly convey a message to the woman that you are interested. It’s a very sexy and overt way of flirting If not overdone. It will attract attention to your lips which will make her subconsciously think about kissing you. We are just talking about a slow swipe along your lips with the tip of your tongue, just enough to grant some attention.
4. Lean Towards Her
This gesture will show interest, liking and acceptance. The most common form is leaning forward if she was sitting at opposite end of a table i.e. in a restaurant or cafĂ©. It shows that you feel comfortable and want to share space with them or be close to them. This shows that you’re attracted to her and you are ok with sharing space. On the other hand if you are leaning away it shows you are not bothered by what she is saying and show a sense of arrogance which she won’t appreciate.
5. Finally… Smile :)
It’s Possible to alter your attraction to the opposite sex simply by gazing and smiling at them. A study including hundreds of volunteers showed that averting your eyes even a fraction to the right can decrease attraction. One of the tests included a woman looking directly into the camera while another only looking marginally to the left or right. The difference was so small it wasn’t immediately obvious to the viewer. When men were asked to rate attractiveness some results were eight fold to the woman looking directly into the camera.
People prefer faces that seem to “Like” them, proving that physical attraction is not just about beauty. So smile as it will make people like you more and you will seem more attractive.
Never fake a smile though as many people can suss it out by your facial expressions.
This is because only certain muscles are used when producing a genuine smile and only your mouth is used for a fake, so keep it genuine at all times, try to think of something funny or a good moment beforehand.

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